Wayne Mclaughlin
Just to predictable and old school horror without the horror Plus the story line was played out too hard. Its like it blew its load before the movie even got started. Sorry for such negativity but... It is what it is...
6 people found this review helpful

It has an interesting premise but lives no where near the expectations. The characters act like they have literal shit in their brains! The script is terrible as always. The visuals are decent but it's a Wes Craven movie, this should've had amazing special effects! The killer look kinda cool and there is only one cool kill scene in this movie. One. The ending is so fucking bad I turned it off after the big "twist". (D+)
3 people found this review helpful

A Google user
Not quite horrible, but definitely not a good movie either. At times it really sucked. I'll give it 2.5 stars max, only because it had a few jump scares.
1 person found this review helpful