An American Dream: The Education of William Bowman is a Canadian satirical film, directed by Ken Finkleman and released in 2016. Based on Candide, the film stars Jake Croker as William Bowman, a young man who tries his hand at various aspects of American life in the hopes of achieving the mythical American Dream.
The cast includes Diana Bentley, Shiloh Blondel, Jan Caruana, Precious Chong, Noah Davis, Laura de Carteret, Julian De Zotti, Lesley Faulkner, Eddie Guillaume, Jenessa Grant, David Huband, Karen Ivany, Dylan Kamm, Charlie Kerr, Jameson Kraemer, Ron Lea, James McDougall, Derek McGrath, Adrian Nguyen, Joe Pingue, William Poulin, John Ralston, Jessica Rose, Bea Santos, Elias Scoufaras, Teagan Vincze, Jason Weinberg, Lorna Wright and Kate Ziegler in supporting roles.
The film premiered in the Borsos Competition program at the 2016 Whistler Film Festival.