Renea Underwood
First off, it is more than ABUNDANTLY clear within the first 15 minutes that this is a documentary and NOT a horror film. Don't watch this expecting to be scared, that's not purpose of this movie!! What this sets out to do is explain the social phenomenon surrounding Wrinkles, how it originated, different takes on it, etc., and for the most part this documentary does that very well. There were two things, however, that I could have done without. Without getting into spoilers (not that it really matters, but whatever) : 1. there was a random scene shot in a strip club that just felt like it was there for shock value. 2. the "real" story doesn't start until halfway through the documentary. Once that kicks in, it just makes most of the first half feel, again, completely unnecessary. You'll know what I'm talking about if you see it for yourself. The two problems get one star removed from my score. I liked everything else, though.

The most boring horror movie. Don't waste your time with this one, even if you get it for free. You can't get the time you spent watching it back.
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