Help! I'm A Fish is a 2000 animated science fantasy musical film directed by Stefan Fjeldmark, Greg Manwaring and Michael Hegner, and written by Stefan Fjeldmark, Karsten Kiilerich, John Stefan Olsen and Tracy J. Brown. It stars the voices of Alan Rickman, Terry Jones and a then-unknown Aaron Paul.
It was released on 6 October 2000 in Denmark, 10 August 2001 in the United Kingdom, and 5 September 2006 in the United States. Danish teen-pop girl group Little Trees performed the title track, "Help! I'm a Fish", which was released as a single in the UK. Fellow Danish girl group Creamy also recorded a version of the song. The Belgian girl group K3 also recorded a Dutch version of the song for the movie. Animation production was split between A. Film Production in Denmark, Munich Animation in Germany and Terraglyph Interactive Studios in Dublin, Ireland.