Jim Fawcette
This appears to be the badly edited DVD version, sadly. Great movie. Editing deletes the opening, which sets the scene, explains the main character's motivations, and provides a stark contrast between the dirt of the exploited workers he photographs and his high (figuratively and literally) fashion models. Lacking later scenes, such as a meeting with his publisher, don't really make sense. Other cuts (Vanessa Redgrave sedcution) are less damaging but also completely unnecessary. Please release the real movie!
9 people found this review helpful

Giorgio Martorana
Sad to say I was pretty disappointed after the build up of this film from credible critics.. just not my style of film at all... definitely not a straight story.. found most of the acting and script unrealistic... aside from a (hopefully authentic) document of 60s London & Counter Culture I unfortunately didn’t take much from the film... Sorry Antonioni, I was hoping to enjoy it... afraid it’s a 5/10 for me (at best)... to each his own. Enjoy.. (I guess...)

A Google user
One of the other reviews says that this is an edited version of the original, which I can't comment on, so I'm just rating the intended version. Be wary I guess, but it's a great movie.