Jason D
A tone-deaf stockholm-syndrome romance. This should have been a horror movie. He basically stalks and kidnaps a woman, then tries to get her to fall in love with him under false pretenses, and almost gets away with it. There's a contrived "trial" to rationalize her forgiving him, which is unconvincing. The writers, director, and actors completely underestimate the gravity and horror of what he's done to her. No stunt would be enough to wipe it. It's absolutely unforgivable and unjustified.

Andrew Parker
I find it hard to buy into a concept that these two were kumbaya the entire time. Considering that he should took one for the home team. But to awaken someone so that didn't have be alone. Tsk, tsk. My apologies to the ladies to have see bad bill of goods on the fact that is your only options in regards to romance. Lastly where were all the brown people at the end of this event. If you were counting "Laurence Fishburne" character to be the only brown out of 5,000 then you are sadly mistaken. But then again, what was I to expect from Hollywood. Don't rent it or buy it.
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A Google user
This movie started out strong. It was a great idea with amazing actors. About halfway trough the movie it felt like they changed writers or directors, and these complex characters they built were replaced with cardboard cut-outs. All their depth fell away and was just ignored. The end of their story felt like it was glossed over because we didn't have enough time. It was a tragedy to see them build these two amazingly real and complex characters just to watch them go flat before the end of the film.
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