Hot Road is a 2014 Japanese romance film directed by Takahiro Miki from a screenplay by Tomoko Yoshida, based on Taku Tsumugi's shōjo manga of the same title, which was serialized from 1986 to 1987. It stars Rena Nōnen and Hiroomi Tosaka, with Ryōhei Suzuki, Rina Ōta, Yukiyoshi Ozawa, and Yoshino Kimura in supporting roles. The story is of a romance between a troubled girl played by Rena Nōnen, who received no love from her remarrying mother, and a Bōsōzoku's future leader played by Hiroomi Tosaka. The theme song of the film is Yutaka Ozaki's "Oh My Little Girl".
Released on August 16, 2014, Hot Road received a lot of attention as the first film since Rena Nōnen earned her fame through Amachan in 2013 and Sandaime J Soul Brothers, the dance and vocal group in which Hiroomi Tosaka served as one of the vocalists, released 2014's hit single "R.Y.U.S.E.I." that soared the group to success. It was well received by the public, grossing 2.52 billion yen in total, while Rena Nōnen and Hiroomi Tosaka also won a few "Best New Comer Award" with it.