Robert Rumple
Ten years before Star Wars (a new hope), this movie has special effects ahead of its time. So, watch a HD version to appreciate the CG. It has long been considered one of the best si-fi movies of its time. Production in 1970, just about a year after the moon landing, where Neil Armstrong and the other Astronauts were held in quarantine upon return to earth, to allow incubation of a potential virus. Andromeda was the strain that NASA feared and an laboratory was built underground in the SWDesert.
Mike Young
Very good movie. But by today's standards it's lack of nonstop action, brainless humor and snappy one liners will sink it for anyone under 30. But if you can stand a movie at a slower pace (the way most movies used to be) then you might enjoy this and try to solve the mystery of why after an epidemic only a baby and a drunk survive out of an entire town.
Wayne Sutton
I loved the original, but there is a two part made for TV movie. I think it was made in the early 2000s or late 90s. It is an excellent update very well done remake.