Philip Shields
This is one of the best films I have seen in some time. The story is engaging and I was taken along the whole time, this is helped by the great story of hope in reuniting his family and the skill of the actors, especially the child who plays young Saroo. It is definitely an emotional movie so watch in the right environment or you may struggle to catch on to the story. Honestly I was debating watching it after seeing the trailer as it seemed like one of those "wannabe deep" movies that moves along too slow. I recommend this movie to anybody who enjoys a heartfelt story with deeper characters and dramatic moments, without the explosions or heavy CGI.
3 people found this review helpful

Melusi Simelane
This movie spoke to the disparity that exists in India, and across the world. Children are suffering daily, and this is not to blame Parents. The balance of power is to the effect that, The Dalits, for instance, in India, stand to suffer State Sanctioned Oppression. I love how it was directed, showing the emotional jorney, and it is a personal touch to have to see LION, himself at the end. I have not cried so much in my whole intire life... Oh God, I am crying again... LOVED THIS MOVIE
44 people found this review helpful

Chef “indiglow007” Knowitall
This movie shows that love conquers all. Sometimes we don't know why things happen the way they do. But in this great big world though there may be violence, hate through all the bull.... and things that are hard to understand. What some say is fate others would say that hope faith and love will endure to the end. This movie shows how though we may look different we all have the same Creator. And the greatest gift we were given was love.
35 people found this review helpful