Joseph Haynes
For some reason, this movies has some positive reviews. Let me say that if I told you what this movie is like, you would not believe me. It is literally UNBELIEVABLY bad. The writing, the acting, the plot, are so bad I can't understand how this ever got made. I'll grant that some of the effects were better than I expect in a movie like this. But it still is not worth your money, or your time.

Damien Dezurik
This is honestly the worst movie I've ever seen. I'm 45 years old of that helps understand that I've seen a few movies in my life. Worse, it got a five star review with no ability to get to the source of those reviews. First time i have legitimately wanted my money back...

Bart Santello
This film is what independent action films are suppose to be: Unique content; original characters and story. Compared to cookie-cutter Studio Sci-Fi films, It feels fresh; absorbs you in and even has some humor.
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