Jared Haselbarth
Couldn't even finish this awful movie. If you want to watch a terrible movie, watch this one. Right around an hour and half in, when the mom of six kids starts kissing the man who killed her husband, you'll realize that you've made an error in picking this movie and wasting $3.99.
8 people found this review helpful

Fantastic movie, pretty daunting at times and the jumps in time can be a little confusing but given the backstory during its filming I see why. Don't listen to opinionated reviews about the actors in this movie or a random moment they may not like and score immediately low because of it. It has a pretty solid meaning of forgiveness and also the powerful fragility of the human mind. Watch it. It's not a movie for everyone but it shows the beauty in our English language

Kim Holcomb
This movie not only shows that the human experience can be fragile, it also shows that not only is the human condition fragile but it is also complex and yet it is simple. I felt that Mel Gibson and Sean Penn did an excellent job in potraying there characters as such. Bright intelligent complex men that are well beyond their time to carry out such a huge task. Huzzah!!!