I loved the first movie, cracked me up! But this one is nothing but the SAME jokes and scenes recycled with way too many race-based jokes that get old but are said like 10,000 times in the movie (not even exaggerating, it's exhausting -_-) Just seems thrown together to bring in a budget, there was no originality put towards this sequel!!
7 people found this review helpful

KiD Rex
As a recent comment stated to much adult scenes, and yes I know this is rated R. But from the first one I would've expected the same gore as the first one. This one just really crossed the line. This one wasn't even close to hilarious. Now that I think of it. How could've the main protagonist do what he did in the movie? The Doll scene was just extremely graphic had to skip a little to find out it was still going 😵..overall not the best.
25 people found this review helpful

Crunchy (dramacydal317)
If you fantasize of Marlon Wayans humping dolls and stuffed animals then this is the movie for you! I thought the entire movie was gross and pointless. The few funny moments are outshined completely by the stupidity and sexual enuendo. Complete waste of time and money. The Wayans brothers should have stopped at in living color. Everything else has sucked..... bad..... awful movie.
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