movie Monster
cujo meets jurassic world meets night of the living dead that will scare the living heck out of you and it's super-fr***cking and won't have more zombie horror movie fun anywhere and the zombie zoo animals are the new living dead horror monsters. and...the zombie monkey , lions, gorilla's and other zombie animals are the all-rage these days....this is the real zombie horror movie that was made for the zombie genre.

Brandon Anderson
This is a 3am on the syfy channel kind of movie. Acting......well there was none. Plot was dumb, animals looked really crappy. If you like low budget B movies that look like crap than this is for you.

Eyeball Master
If youre a fan of "scify channel" type movies this is one you wont want to miss, yes people there actually exists an audience for these! If there werent they wouldnt be made! So Stop hating! Great movie, and great actors! Sequel please! @)
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