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Not faithful to the source material, AT ALL. After hearing there was a movie that was going to be based off the video game Among Us (2018) I was very skeptical. I understand as far as the story and characters go, there isn't much to go off of so It's understandable you would have to make some changes. However, this has no connection to the source material at all. Even standing on its own this movie is still mediocre at best. Bad acting, the story is poorly executed, boring characters. 1/5.
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Red did it. He was very pushy to boot out people every emergency meeting. The movie should have taken more from red's perspective. He was more of a side take. Yellow nick named blue kept twerking in every scene. Purple blamed everything sus on Blue (dark) and Black. It was really satisfying to see purple die as one of the 2 imposters mid movie. After the mid point the movie went down hill. Red just wasn't as interesting as purple was as a villain. Not faithful to the original manga 1/10.
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Edward E.
I was at my girlfriends house and we wanted to watch a movie. Found this and watched it and let me tell you it was horrid, one of te worst films I've ever seen. After getting done with the movie my girlfriend started acting weird, a little sus. I assumed she was tired so we went off to bed. At around 2 in the morning I heard moving in the vents, when I went downstairs to check it out my dog had been murdered, his body was severed into two pieces with a bone sticking out! GIRLFRIEND IMPOSTER SUS