Gigga Vega
If you are a fan of Lovecraft, this is right up your alley, especially since this is a Lovecraft story. The movie is very VERY well done with just the right amount of cheese. The ending, no spoilers will make you feel weird about Uxia & her Lover, trust me. Also there are some graphic gore scenes, so be warned. Like all Lovecraftian stories there is never a happy ending & if there is there is always a HUGE catch. Another great one, that is no so outright Lovecraftian Horror as this one is The Block Island Sound on Netflix. I will be doing a Movie review on my Youtube channel Giggavega, check me out if you like.

I really love H.P. Lovecraft but really? Do movie producers/directors even read Lovecraft? If you're going to even "attempt" to make a Lovecraft based movie, have it together and invest some money! Lovecraft deserves to be a big production not this crap.
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