Andrea Cartategui
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Very disappointing. 'Why am I watching this?' levels of boredom. It's not 'cool', shocking, or even funny. That said, it does excel on one level: it is exceedingly dull. A film written by pathetic insecure male minds. If 2 hours of references, strung together by cliched homophobic and misogynistic 'my cock is bigger than your cock' posturing sounds like an acceptable substitute for narrative - then maybe this is the film for you. It's not the worst thing ever made, but it is utter rubbish. A 12 minute short film version may have been an irreverent exploitative blast - but at ten times that length, this is not that. The kind of film that had me itching to check my phone, and possibly to travel back in time to an age (11?) when I might have though it was cool.
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Victor Petrov
Have you ever watched a movie and thought "this is such a waste of my time"? Well, this is it folks! This is what you'll be thinking 15 minutes into the movie. I rented the movie because I like Nicholas Cage and it's got good ratings, so why not give it a shot, right? Wrong! Do not trust the great reviews. This movie is simply bad. I now absolutely regret watching it. It's disappointing, super slow, incoherent and a waste of time. I wish I could get my 2 hours back. Stay away!
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Kevin Courtney
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I'm nominating this as one of the ten worst movies I've ever seen. I'm completely convinced that this was written by a 15 year old boy. It is a collection of scenes that are disjointed and pointless. Nicholas Cage plays a lumberman living in the woods with his homely GF in a cabin with a huge window box for a bedroom. All sorts of weird things happen, characters come and go without any real purpose and Cage goes from a lumberman to a skilled metal worker making a magical battle ax which he wields like a ninja master, His badly injured character defeats demons in single combat and appears unstoppable. This is mindless, moronic and almost unwatchable.. If you really like Nicholas Cage and want to watch this, get drunk first, it will help a lot.
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