Steve Cushman
Don't be fooled by the high rating. If you want to see authentic shaolin gung fu, choose a Jet Li movie. I have to assume the multiple glowing reviews are fake. Attention google play: fake reviews do nothing but irritate your good customers.
1 person found this review helpful

Supreme Lotto7
It was short for me and the end fight I thought they would be a match for the bad guys and two survivors run away ..😑 why did they have to make them destroy each other badly when u could have seen shaolin vs imperial guards

Marko Denis
I had to post after reading another's particular words... All of Shaw Brothers movies are classics with the band of stellar actors that alot us have watched since we were young boys and girls. No disrespect to Jet Li, I like him and his movies. However, Invincible Shaolin was out way before he...these actors paved his way.✌🏽