Russell Rogers
Clearly targeted towards children, but still campy fun for adults (which is about the best you can expect for a movie with talking bears). Kind of lazy writing (you've definitely seen this story elsewhere) and obviously made for 3D (this version is 2D, but there's a lot of stuff that flies at the screen). Justin Timberlake totally nails a Boo Boo impression, but Aykroyd just sounds like himself doing an amateur-ish Yogi Bear. Still a fun, safe, and silly movie that kids will probably love.
14 people found this review helpful

Logan Bergh
When I saw this movie, I had hope like I did for sonic, and it is so heartless. Yogi treats the tiny guy bear so mean. And also, I hate the 5 second come up idea for saving camp place. I'd side with the mayor guy, and how does everyone see yogi as an ordinary guy.

Neil Gonterman
First off this is a movie for kids, I feel as though they are trying to reignite kids love for Yogi. It's a cute and fun movie. I grew up with Yogi and loved Yogi. I think this movie captures the essence of the original Yogi.