frank p
*This movie Is A Prime Example, of a trailer being way better than the movie*. I almost walked out twice. This was almost torture watching this all the way threw. It takes so long to completely tell you the meaning of certain scenes that supposedly connect together, but completely falls flat. So many plot holes, not to mention the over use of the excessive camera close up's of James McAvoy, That Alone was getting old Real Fast. Such a mess of a movie riddled with plot holes... ****just like the psychologist knowing the guy lived at a basement of a zoo and the so called "Beast" that he was always referring when they spoke, was something that he was possibly being influenced by, by the animals that he was surrounded, and possibly even caring for at the zoo, She couldn't figure it out. If this information was giving in the movie, I would have connected the dots, along with probably most of the audience, and I only have a high diploma, not a PHD like the leading female doctor character. The director to stoop down to a pathetic low and use a cheesy tactic by not even have his own "Doctor character" figure out the dots and to hide this (zoo) information from the audience, just shows that the audience themselves would of been smarter than the director. This director treating the audience like idiots *Again* just needs to completely stop and change his style of movie making. It's not working anymore.
490 people found this review helpful

Phoenix Hoshika
Split is a psychological movie that addresses things people rather push to the back of their minds. I love the Easter egg at the end of this movie. I also love the powerful statements made in it. No, those that have not suffered do not possess a certain understanding and in my experience don't even actually comprehend the meaning of the word. This movie shows exactly that and in part what suffering can lead to. It shows the stark contrast in behavior in behavior and thought process between someone that has been repeatedly victimized and those that haven't. While this movie does touch on and put some real issues on display it's still an M. Night Shyamalan movie and thus is given to the fantastical. Even so, like with uncanny things that happen in real life his movies do an excellent job of portraying those things just as if they were real which means no over the top dramatic effects, and other frills for thrills. Not every movie about the extraordinary needs to be a break-neck paced, drama or action oriented thriller to be enjoyable. If you prefer movies like X-men: Apocalypses this film is not for you. If you enjoyed Unbreakable this is a must see.
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Gay Simpkins (DivaGS)
I am deeply interested in the human psyche. The lead did a decent job of portraying the characters featured herein. But for me there were many ways in which this movie fell absolutely flat...and then laid there waiting to die. Given a bit more thought to the overall plot, MKS could have really made this a worthwhile movie. When you expected a twist, there was instead the predictable. Many of his previous movies held you until the end. With this one, after awhile you'll find yourself just waiting for it to be over. #sigh