Megan H
Great movie. Made me cry like crazy at certain parts. Definitely recommend you watch it at least once. In another note, reading comments and I see someone saying the other little girl died because she didn't believe, that's not what they said.. The father said that even tho she died, he seen a change in her within her last few weeks. She had faith.
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Ting Celemin
I love the scene when the mother was so hopeless and she started praying/kneeling at the tree, then everyone joins her in prayer including the paramedics and firemen. That's powerful. If your so desperate in life and remains in faith, you are not alone just believe...miracles can still happen.

Kuda Shumbayawonda
Absolutely loved this movie :) The movie allowed me to see and experience a bit of the pain that parents face when in this predicament. I liked how religiously things were not sugar coated. Like the manner in which as a parent you struggle with the idea of your child being in pain whilst you believe in a loving God. I was so touched with the healing and family going back to normal. However, I was fuming with church members who act like the Devil lol. Religious bigots! We all have come across some. Who use misapplied truth to kill and destroy others in pain.
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