The rape scene is so gratuitously graphic, Foster broke her arm during filming. When an actress gets her arm broken during a rape scene, there is something very wrong. This story needed to be told, it deserved to be told, but the rape scene was basically a how-to. There's NO REASON to show step by step visually what happened. A better filmmaker could have achieved the same results, the same sense of vile and utter disgust at these men, and the men and women who looked on, without showing so much graphic detail. There are other ways of depicting violence through the medium of film. Again, a better filmmaker with creative cinematography could have approached the subject without such detail. That scene is a how-to for anyone who wants to assault someone. An injustice to the woman whom this story is based on.
Amanda Park
Powerful movie. They fought to get this made and it's hard to watch but that's the point. This is real. This happens. People need to understand that and learn from it. Don't just let it happen. Don't be that guy. Don't be that bystander.
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