London Mooring
What was this a documentary! April's parents leave because she's is poor and lives in a small new York apartment and it has grafiri outside! Not to metion it was really weird that bobby dosent do anything when that Tyrone guy steals his scooter! He didn't even seem upset! Why does the dad stop the car to cry? This is just my opinion though.you could like it for all I know.you have to watch to find out what you think.

kamille seven
Indy movie. Young NYC woman decides to host Thanksgiving dinner for her dysfunctional family in her small tiny apartment. Movie becomes a light fun adventure, as appliances break, and her cooking skills don't add up. One of Katie's best performances. Throw this on while you are getting ready for the holidays.

A Google user
Pieces of APRIL covers a wide range of human emotional issues: mixed raced relationships, parent child issues, sibling rivalry, breast cancer, child abuse, juvenile crime, street justice and violence, denial, mental health ... I found this movie to be a great movie for teenagers. Why? Because there was no foul language, no graphic sex, and nobody was shot with a gun, stabbed with a knife or sent to a hospital. The length of this movie makes it easy to watch in one sitting. I may ask my church to show this movie because I think it is a good example of the kind of family movies I'd like to see in the future. Oh, there were no vampires in this movie. How refreshing reality is!