Growing Pains

1985 • ABC
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第 4 季劇集 (21 集)

1 Fool For Love
Ben goes out on his first date while a pregnant Maggie tests Jason's patience.
2 Birth Of A Seaver
Maggie goes into labor on Ben's birthday. Ben's bothered by all the talk about the baby, the usurping of his birthday, and his losing the role of youngest. He leaves the others in the hospital, and talks to another patient, a former bartender.
3 Family Ties, Part 1
In a showdown over his rights as an 18-year-old college student who is too old to play by the house rules established when he was a child, Mike moves out of the house and into his car.
4 Family Ties, Part 2
Mike converts the storage space above the garage into an apartment. In so doing, he must choose whether he wants to be tenant or family member. Second of a two-part episode.
5 Guess Who's Coming To Dinner
Jason sends his mother on a cruise to get her mind off her dead husband, but when she returns with a fiancé in tow, Jason finds it hard to accept the man who will "replace" his father.
6 Homecoming Queen
Carol is nominated for Homecoming Queen but questions if she belongs in the contest.
7 Nude Photos
Mike's embarrassed by the prize-winning picture he took for a photography class. His parents don't understand until they visit the exhibition where the photo's on display. Andrew Koenig appears as recurring character Richard "Boner" Stabone in this episode.
8 Ben's First Kiss
Ben discovers the power of the opposite sex when he throws himself a birthday party just so he can have a certain girl attend--only problem is, it's not his birthday!
9 The Nanny
When Maggie goes back to work after the birth of her baby, Jason hires a young, pretty co-ed to serve as a nanny. Only problem is, Maggie feels threatened and wants the girl fired.
10 Mandingo
A trip to Martha's Vineyard goes wrong when Mike and Julie are the only ones who make the ferry, and they end up alone together for the night.
11 In Carol We Trust
Carol gets away with her late-night return home from the library where she met a guy but the next night, her date with the guy ends poorly when her parents come home early. MATTHEW PERRY guest stars.
12 Mom Of The Year
Maggie is set to receive a prestigious award from a local women's group only to be called out to cover a garbage strike instead. Meanwhile, Carol tries dating a guy 11 years her senior.
14 Feet Of Clay
BRAD PITT guest stars as Ben's idol, rock star Jonathan Keith. Keith is giving a concert in New York, and Maggie manages to get Ben backstage to meet him.
15 Anniversary From Hell
Jason and Maggie are in for a surprise when an anniversary party is planned without their knowledge. As things get out of hand, desserts start flying.
16 Fortunate Son
Mike gets a part-time job, and is bothered to realize his boss favors him because he's white. Maggie's upset when she learns Mike's volunteered for the night shift as a way of protesting his boss's racism.
17 Double Standard
Charges of sexism are heard when Jason and Maggie dole out punishments to the kids according to gender. Meanwhile, Mike keeps a new relationship a secret.
18 The Recruiter
Carol tries to fail in her interview for Boston College, her parents' alma mater, because she doesn't want to go there. Mike helps her by hiring someone to play her dad for the interview.
19 Show Ninety -- (Who Knew?)
After Jason tries to help Mike with his psychology homework, both are surprised to find that Jason does even worse than his son.
20 Second Chance
Carol's new boyfriend Sandy doesn't show for a date, and his friend calls to say he's been in an accident and is in the hospital, seriously injured.
21 The Loooove Boat, Part 1
Wally and Irma invite everyone to a cruise wedding on the same ship they first met on, but the trip is marred by fighting and arguing. First of a two-part episode.
22 The Loooove Boat, Part 2
Jason apologizes to everyone, and Irma and Wally are married. Meanwhile, Mike and Julie reveal their secret relationship and Mike makes a surprise announcement. Second of a two-part episode.


Sometimes life's lessons challenge you. Sometimes they give you a good belly laugh. This iconic '80s comedy series offers both! When Jason Seaver moves his psychiatry practice into the house so his wife can return to the workforce, he finds that managing a household of three kids is trickier than he thought — but not without its rewards.



