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Сезон 20 (серий: 9)

1 Addicted Moms
As a fully committed mom, Sandra was involved in her kids' school activities as well as after school sports.
2 Family of Addicts: Tom and John
John and Tom are brothers who spent their formative years working with their parents and grandparents in a successful business.
3 Young & Addicted
At the young age of 20, Morgan and Brett are both battling addiction. Brett was an only child when his alcoholic father abandoned him.
4 The Heroin Hub: Chapter 1
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The interventionists arrive to Philadelphia's Heroin Hub and meet Nicole, a 39-year-old heroin addict and prostitute, who's lived in the area for five years.
5 The Heroin Hub: Chapter 2
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Interventionist Donna Chavous must re-think Janine's intervention now that she's in jail. Interventionist Jim Reidy meets with Nicole's family and learns how she ended up on the streets.
6 The Heroin Hub: Chapter 3
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Alana is a recovering heroin addict who's trying to stay sober while maintaining a relationship with her addict boyfriend. Nicole's fiancé's reaction to Nicole getting help throws her whole intervention into question.
7 The Heroin Hub: Chapter 4
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After Bill's arrest, Interventionist Michael Gonzales strategizes with his family on ways to intervene once he's released from jail.
8 The Heroin Hub: Chapter 5
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Amanda is torn between her addict boyfriend who's in jail, and her ex-boyfriend, an EMT who is still in love with her. 31-year-old EJ's heroin use has escalated since his mother's unexpected death.
9 The Heroin Hub: The Final Chapter
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EJ's lies and deceptions cause a rift in his family, as some continue to enable him while others holds a firm bottom line.

Об этом сериале

"Intervention" profiles people whose dependence on drugs and alcohol or other compulsive behavior has brought them to a point of personal crisis or estranged them from their friends and loved ones. There is hope in the most difficult cases.

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