Mrs. Wilson

3 կարծիք
Տարիքային սահմանափակում
Կարելի է ավելացնել
Դիտել վեբ դիտարկիչում կամ աջակցվող սարքերում Իմանալ ավելին

Եթերաշրջան 1 սերիաներ (3)

1 Episode 1
It's 1963, and Alison Wilson returns home to find husband Alexander dead. Blinded by grief, Alison is bewildered when a woman arrives at the door claiming to be Alec's 'real wife.' Alison sets out to discover who Alec really was.
2 Episode 2
Alison is on the tail of the elusive 'Dorothy' from Alec's time in India. After speaking to Alec's handler and hearing that their 'relationship' was likely a cover story, Alison traces Dorothy to Yorkshire and insists on the truth.
3 Episode 3
Alison hears wildly differing theories, one painting Alec as a wronged hero, the other as a cruel fantasist, and she is no longer sure who to believe. A final revelation inspires a profound and drastic new beginning for Alison.

Այս սերիալի մասին

Alison Wilson's husband Alec is dead, when a woman arrives claiming to be Alec's 'real wife.' Alison must try and find out who her husband really was; but it soon becomes clear that Alec died holding his secrets close to his chest.

Գնահատականներ և կարծիքներ

3 կարծիք

Գնահատեք այս հաղորդումը

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