Naruto Shippuden (English) (Dubbed)

८ समीक्षाहरू
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Naruto Shippuden (English) - Season 3 का एपिसोड (27)

56 Squirming
Learning that his chakra is of the "wind" type that is outstanding for fighting, Naruto puts more effort into his training. He decides to go to Asuma, who is also a "wind" type, for some advice. Meanwhile, Tsunade is being filled in on an assault on a village near the border. Thinking that the enemy could be the Akatsuki, Tsunade orders an investigation. She would like to give Naruto enough time to train, but she doesn't want the Akatsuki to pinpoint where Naruto is, so she decides to cut his training short and order Team Kakashi on a new mission.
57 Robbed of Sleep
Team Kakashi is ordered to resolve the frequent vandalizing of graves at the Fire Temple. When it becomes clear that the vandals aren’t after the possessions buried with the dead, Yamato suspects that they want the corpses of the ninja buried in the four hidden tombs near Fire Temple. Naruto, unhappy at having his training cut short, continues to train in secret. Team Kakashi is to meet the Fire Temple monk Chiriku near the hidden tombs, but Naruto gets separated from them. He is wandering around in the forest when he happens upon an astonishing sight.
58 Loneliness
At the Fire Temple, Chiriku explains to Team Kakashi that the hidden tombs hold the guards of the Land of Fire’s feudal lord. At one time Chiriku and Asuma were members of that organization. Team Kakashi learn about a terrible incident caused by the Twelve Ninja Guardians. Meanwhile, as Naruto watches the young monks training, he notices a strain in the relations between Sora and the other monks.
59 A New Enemy
Word comes that the last of the hidden graves has been broken into. Naruto and the others go after the coffin, but it turns out to be a trap. Yamato can't figure out what the aim of the enemy is, and the team is forced into a battle. Meanwhile, in the Leaf Village, Tsunade puzzles over the many sources of worry, such as Danzo's, the Akatsuki’s and Orochimaru's actions.
60 Vicissitudes of Life
Team Kakashi is split up by the enemy's Earth Summoning Jutsu. They are forced to fight the attacking assassins, but the enemy has the advantage since they know the lay of the land. Sai is shot with a marker that gives away all of his movements. He protects Sakura, but receives a venomous attack. Sakura attempts to give him an antidote, but… Meanwhile, Naruto is cornered by Fuka. And Sora, all alone, comes face to face with a mysterious figure…
61 Contact
Sora confronts Furido, the mysterious figure who has broken into the hidden graves. Impressed by Sora’s unusual strength, he admonishes him, “You should reevaluate how you use that power Heaven has blessed you with,” and disappears, leaving him with a cryptic message that he is an old friend of his father. Meanwhile, Naruto finds himself in a bind against the kunoichi Fouka who possesses an unusual jutsu. He has used every technique he can think of, but Fouka continues to fight back, and Naruto is now in a desperate situation. Then help arrives in the form of…
62 Teammate
Yamato believes that the assailants were not grave robbers but were after Sora. He decides to appoint Sora to Team Kakashi as a temporary stand-in for the injured Sai. This doesn’t sit well with Naruto, and furthermore, he is assigned to take care of him as soon as they return to the village. Sora causes one problem after another and is a constant source of irritation. Even Kiba and Choji get caught up in the commotion until one unexpected figure puts a stop to it all. Meanwhile, in the Land of Fire, the assailant Furido makes his next move.
63 The Two Kings
By chance, Naruto and Sora get Asuma to coach them. Under the guidance of Asuma’s iron fist, they immerse themselves in training with Wind Chakra. Asuma’s words soothe Sora and he begins to settle into life in Hidden Leaf Village--until Furido suddenly appears and drops the bombshell that Sora’s father was killed by Asuma. Then Tsunade receives a letter from Chiriku, the monk from the Fire Temple, detailing an incident caused by Sora some ten years earlier.
64 The Jet-Black Signal Fire
Tsunade catches Danzo in a secret meeting with a ninja from the Hidden Rain Village. But the ninja turns out to be a spy for the Hidden Leaf. It turns out that the four-man group who attacked the graves was actually after Sora. Danzo declares that Sora poses a danger to the village and calls for him to be eliminated. Tsunade tries to silence him, but… Meanwhile, Sora is shocked to learn that Asuma is his father’s killer. Enraged, he is goaded on by Furido and turns his blade toward Hidden Leaf Village.
65 Lockdown of Darkness
Under cover of a giant power outage, Furido begins his assault on the Hidden Leaf. The village immediately goes on alert, but Furido’s men put up a barrier, and everyone in the village is trapped inside. Naruto and Asuma finally catch up to Sora, who is planning an escape in the midst of the panic. He explodes with anger at Naruto’s demand to know why he attacked Tsunade. But Asuma is quick to suspect that there is someone behind Sora, someone who knows about the coup d’état incident involving two groups within the Guardian Shinobi Twelve, and realizes that the village is in grave danger.
66 Revived Souls
In order to stop the impending disaster, Asuma rushes toward the electric generator system. There he sees the Guardian Shinobi Twelve who have come to life once more through Revival Jutsu after their graves were robbed. Furido’s intent is to use the Lightning Style Jutsu of four of the Guardian Shinobi to burn down Hidden Leaf Village. Sakura and Yamato arrive to help, and Asuma leaves the duo to deal with the four Guardian Shinobi while he battles Kitane. Meanwhile, Naruto tries to stop Sora from going to Furido, but the kunoichi Fouka stands in his way.
67 Everyone's Struggle to the Death
Sora is speechless when he discovers that Furido not only intends to assassinate the Hokage but plans to totally annihilate Hidden Leaf Village. Sora tries to stop Furido but is hopelessly outmatched. In the village, desperate ninja battles spread. In order to lessen the casualties, the Leaf ninja plan a strategy near the great gate. Naruto, Sakura and Yamato battle Fouka, Fen and Fudo. And Asuma battles Kitane, the former comrade who has been revived. As confusion runs rampant, second by second, the threat of Limelight closes in on the Hidden Leaf.
68 Moment of Awakening
Throughout the village, Kitane’s fellow Guardian Shinobi with the Lightning Jutsu set up Limelight. With time running out for Hidden Leaf Village, Asuma continues desperately to try to stop Kitane and answers Kitane’s question, “Just what was the King anyway?” At that time, Naruto feels overwhelmed by Fouka’s mysterious jutsu. Will he be able to win with his Wind Chakra…? And what is this change that is occurring in Sora, who has been captured by Furido?
69 Despair
Naruto and Asuma catch up to Sora, only to find him shrouded in ominous chakra and undergoing a change. Naruto is shocked when Furido reveals the secret of Sora’s birth. Ten years earlier, remnants of the Nine Tails’ chakra that could not be sealed inside Naruto had been placed inside Sora. Imagining the suffering of one who shares the same fate as he, Naruto explodes with anger. This betrayal by one he trusted is the last straw for Sora, and he falls into despair.
70 Resonance
Furido’s true form belongs to Kazuma, one of the Guardian Shinobi Twelve who had planned the coup d’état. Asuma puts his honor on the line and goes back ten years to battle Furido once more. Meanwhile, the rest of the Hidden Leaf ninja try to stop Sora who has begun to run rampant, but due to the intensity of the battle, one by one, their chakra runs out. Naruto summons all his strength to hold Sora back, but just then, the worst happens, something no one could have imagined. The Nine Tails’ chakra inside both Naruto and Sora begins to manifest itself. Will Naruto be able to suppress his wild urges and save Sora?
71 My Friend
Naruto desperately tries to suppress Nine Tails’ chakra and get through to Sora’s heart and soul. Naruto’s comrades are helpless against Sora’s powerful chakra and can only stand by and watch. Will Naruto’s attempts, at the risk of his life, be enough to stop Sora? Furido, satisfied that Sora is now on a rampage, tries to leave the battlefront. But he is confronted by Asuma, and the battle nears its end. The King, duty, father and son--this former Guardian Shinobi waged a heroic battle, but how will it end? Just around that time, far away, two men begin a hunt for Two Tails--Hidan and Kakuzu of the Akatsuki.
72 The Quietly Approaching Threat
Work continues in Hidden Leaf Village to erase the scars of battle. As he watches Konohamaru and the others helping with the reconstruction, Iruka sees how his students have matured. Kakashi, who has returned from investigating the situation with Jiraiya, reports to Tsunade that the Akatsuki have begun to move. Tsunade worries about Naruto, whose training for a new jutsu has been interrupted. At that time, in the Village Hidden in the Clouds in the Land of Lightning, Hidan and Kakuzu are nearing the end of their hunt for Two Tails.
73 Akatsuki’s Invasion
With Kakashi’s return, Naruto resumes training for his new jutsu. Kakashi explains that the transformation training will enter the next stage. This time, only Wind Chakra will be used to cut through a waterfall. Hidan and Kakuzu, who have captured Two Tails, leave it with Zetsu and head for the Land of Fire in search of Nine Tails. The first place they reach is the Fire Temple, where the priests go into a near panic, and Chiriku confronts the Akatsuki.
74 Under the Starry Sky
The lone surviving priest is carried into Hidden Leaf Village where he reports the destruction of the Fire Temple. Upon learning of the Akatsuki’s infiltration into the Land of Fire, Tsunade orders the twenty newly formed teams into action. Meanwhile, Naruto trains hard to cut through a waterfall. As Sakura watches his harsh regimen, which would be impossible for a normal person, she realizes that training can no longer fill the gap between their power.
75 The Old Monk’s Prayer
In order to capture the Akatsuki, the Hidden Leaf cast a net that even an ant could not crawl through. Still, the Akatsuki elude them and frustrate Tsunade to no end. Around that time, Asuma and the others arrive at the Fire Temple, only to find it completely destroyed. Chiriku’s corpse is missing, and Asuma surmises that the Akatsuki were after the bounty on Chiriku’s head. They immediately dispatch a messenger to Hidden Leaf to submit a report and head for the nearest center where the Akatsuki can turn in Chiriku’s body for payment. Back at Hidden Leaf, Naruto takes a break and stops by Ichiraku, only to find something waiting for him.
76 The Next Step
Naruto is learning the elements of Wind Style Jutsu, and Kakashi lectures him on the difficulties of developing a new jutsu. According to Kakashi even the Fourth Hokage was not able to embed elemental chakra into his jutsu. Naruto feels a heavy sense of responsibility and puts his entire being into developing the new jutsu. Meanwhile, the Akatsuki duo turns in Chiriku’s body to collect the bounty. What is the fate of the Hidden Leaf team who are pursuing them…?
77 Climbing Silver
Asuma and his team finally confront Hidan, and a battle ensues. They fight with all their strength but are shocked at Hidan’s power. Kakuzu, the other Akatsuki member, also appears, and the Hidden Leaf seemed destined to lose. Escape is impossible, and Asuma grimly goes over a battle strategy… The strategy comes as a shock to everyone, especially Shikamaru.
78 The Judgment
Hidan releases a baffling jutsu, and Asuma bears the brunt of the attack. The jutsu is a special trick which links Hidan with Asuma’s body. In that instant, Shikamaru uses his Shadow Strangle Jutsu to stop Hidan’s movements, but this jutsu does not last long. The battle rages on with little hope for reinforcements. Will Shikamaru be able to analyze Hidan’s jutsu and learn its secret in time…?
79 Unfulfilled Scream
Shikamaru unravels the secret of Hidan’s jutsu just in time, and Asuma attacks with all his being. However, even after his head is severed, Hidan continues to live. The Hidden Leaf, aghast at the sight of this undead man, are challenged by the other Akatsuki who has stood by in silence, Kakuzu. The Hidden Leaf team tries to rescue Asuma from the invincible Akatsuki duo, but Asuma falls victim to Hidan’s trick.
80 Last Words
Asuma is mortally wounded by Hidan’s jutsu, and the Akatsuki have the rest of the Hidden Leaf in a bind. Just then, reinforcements arrive, led by Ino and Choji. They manage to come to the aid of their comrades, and once again, the Akatsuki find themselves confronted by the Hidden Leaf. But a mysterious figure suddenly interrupts them and the Akatsuki disappear. It seems they have barely avoided another battle, but Asuma’s wounds are deep and his end seems near.
81 Sad News
In a faraway land, the Akatsuki reveal their true aim of world conquest. And back at Hidden Leaf Village, Shikamaru gives his report of the mission to Tsunade. Tsunade worries about Kurenai’s reaction, but Shikamaru takes it upon himself to tell her the news of Asuma’s death. Meanwhile, Naruto is having difficulty with his new jutsu, but he gets a hint from Kakashi’s encouraging words. It is then that he receives the shocking news of Asuma’s death.
82 Team Ten
Asuma’s funeral is held in Hidden Leaf Village amid deep sadness. Shikamaru is the lone absentee, unable to get over the loss. Choji too is disconsolate. As each member of Team 10 deals with Asuma’s death, the question they ask themselves is “What must we do next?” Each comes to the same resolve--to stop and capture the Akatsuki. Tsunade adamantly opposes Team 10’s determination to set out on this mission. But an unexpected person offers to help.

यस "सो" का बारेमा

The Village Hidden in the Leaves is home to the stealthiest ninja in the land. But twelve years earlier, a fearsome Nine-tailed Fox terrorized the village before it was subdued and its spirit sealed within the body of a baby boy. Now that boy, Naruto, has grown up to become a hyperactive ninja-in-training who's more interested in pranks than schoolwork...but Naruto is determined to become the greatest ninja ever!

मूल्याङ्कन र समीक्षाहरू

८ समीक्षाहरू

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