
2007 • Syfy
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यो भिडियो वेब ब्राउजर वा यो एप चल्ने डिभाइसहरूमा हेर्नुहोस् थप जान्नुहोस्

सत्र 2 का एपिसोड (13)

1 End of Nights Part 1
Six weeks after Ashley is turned by the Cabal, she steals a secret hard drive concerning past Sanctuary operations in Montreal. Tesla is able to develop a cure against "Lazarus", while John and Magnus search the world for Ashley and attempt to stop the Cabal. In the process, the team encounter Kate Freelander (Agam Darshi), a con artist with Cabal connections. Kate is able to escape, but knowing she was captured by the Sanctuary, the Cabal order a hit on her. Freelander flees to the Sanctuary and tells Magnus everything she knows about the Cabal, saying she visited one of their facilities in Alberta. When they arrive there they encounter Ashley, who has been converted to a Vampire-hybrid using the blood from Bhalasaam. They escape before she can kill them. We learn that the Cabal have copied Ashley's DNA, have created five other hybrids, and have declared war on the Sanctuary network.
2 End of Nights Part 2
Ashley and her cadre of teleporting vampire hybrids use their powers to destroy several Sanctuary bases around the world. Tesla and Henry work on a weapon that can stop the attacks, while not killing Ashley. Their first trial is unsuccessful and the hybrids destroy the London Sanctuary, killing Clara Griffin. In response, Tesla upgrades the weapon to be lethal to the hybrids, including Ashley, allowing for an effective defense of the primary Sanctuary. During the battle, Bigfoot, who has previously refused the Lazarus cure, is finally persuaded by Magnus to take it; he is revived in time to help his friends. Three of the hybrids are killed and another dies when Henry reactivates the EM shield, causing the hybrid to vaporize when it teleports. Magnus is able to break through to Ashley, who recognizes her just in time to save her from the last hybrid's attack; Ashley drags the hybrid with her as she teleports into the EM field, apparently sacrificing herself in the process.
3 Eulogy
Since much of the Sanctuary network needs rebuilding, the Old City base is forced to house their abnormals for a period. Kate accidentally releases an offspring of a species thought to be extinct; the creature grows quickly and escapes the Sanctuary premises to wreak havoc in the city. When the creature is found, Kate discovers it has imprinted on her, and thinks she is its mother. Meanwhile, Druitt and Tesla take down several Cabal cells, and Whitcomb ends up on the run from Druitt. Magnus believes Ashley is still alive, as the EM shield destabilised at the same time she teleported. When that theory pans out, she still believes Ashley's life sign may be in the EM shield buffer. After all her efforts prove fruitless, Magnus is forced to accept that Ashley is dead.
4 Hero
The Sanctuary encounters a superhero called "the Adjuster", who is intent on thwarting crime in Old City and ends up disrupting Sanctuary operations. However, they can find no genetic evidence that he is an abnormal. After capturing him, Magnus discovers the Adjuster's suit is made up of abnormal insects, which grant him super powers via telepathy. However, the suit is gradually killing him, and cannot be removed. At the same time, the team deals with a dangerous Abnormal loose in the city. In the end, Walter "the Adjuster" is able to defeat it. His suit is finally removed after he wishes it off. Meanwhile, Kate deals with her brother's debt to a shady figure from Kate's past who traffics in abnormals. She learns that this gang used her brother to get to her, in order to gain access to the Sanctuary. Kate thwarts their plan and apparently earns the trust of Magnus; she is invited to move into a "more permanent" room.
5 Pavor Nocturnus
Magnus wakes up to find the Sanctuary in ruins and the entire city destroyed; she has no memory of how the devastation occurred. She ventures into the crumbling city and is attacked by brutally savage humanoid creatures, but is saved by a survivalist group led by Will. After decontamination, she is interrogated by Will who claims the "real" Magnus died three years before. She learns that a plague has wiped out all but a hundred thousand or so of the human race; the infected become insane, horrific cannibals once the disease takes hold. Eventually, Will and Magnus work together to learn the truth from Magnus' video files, but Will is infected and sacrifices himself to buy her time. Magnus realizes that during a mission in Honduras, she found a vial which contained a "cure" for her immortality, but by taking it she also inadvertently released a contagion that caused a plague of cannibalistic abnormals to destroy humanity (as it had destroyed the Mayan kingdom long ago)...
6 Fragments
One of the Sanctuary's research scientists is viciously attacked by a seemingly docile Abnormal. While Magnus tries to save the life of the scientist, Henry investigates the origin of the creature's uncharacteristic behaviour. Ultimately it is revealed that the scientist's jealous husband poisoned the Abnormal in an attempt to kill Henry, for whom his wife had feelings. He tries to force Henry to turn into his werewolf form, but Henry regains control of himself. In the end, the Abnormal is cured and Magnus manages to save the scientist's life.
7 Veritas
Will tries to defend Magnus when she is charged with shooting and murdering Bigfoot. However, more evidence only incriminates her further. Three telepaths known as the "Triad", headed by Emma (Erica Cerra), are brought in by the Sanctuary network to look inside Helen's mind. It is revealed that Magnus kept alive a dangerous Abnormal known as "Big Bertha", after she was supposed to have killed it. Will soon realises Emma wants Big Bertha for her own purposes. Will and Kate are able to fool Emma before she can get her hands on the dangerous Abnormal, by convincing her Bertha really is dead. It is later revealed that Bigfoot is alive, as his skin was thick enough to stop the bullet; however, it had been coated with a venom capable of slowing his heart rate enough to fake his death. We learn that Magnus had designed this deception to catch Emma, whom she had suspected for a few years...
8 Next Tuesday
Will and Magnus' helicopter crashes on a decommissioned oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico while they are transporting a rare abnormal vampire squid. Not only does the abnormal escape during the crash, it continues to attack them afterwards, which is unlike the abnormal's typical behaviour. We learn that the vampire squid is actually attacking a sea scorpion, the squid's natural enemy; one of these scorpions apparently stowed away on the helicopter, and caused the damage that led to the crash. Magnus decides to let the squid win; she and Will destroy the helicopter wreckage so the scorpion will fall into the water where it can't defend itself well against the squid. Once the scorpion is defeated, the squid becomes peaceful again. In the meantime, Magnus and Will radio a distress call, and await rescue.
9 Penance
Former gang member Jimmy (Michael Shanks), a friend of Magnus, attempts to bring in an Abnormal, but the meeting is interrupted by an underground mob from whom Jimmy stole the Abnormal. The team splits up and evades the mobsters, but Kate is wounded. Jimmy takes her into hiding to treat her wounds. There, we learn that Jimmy had a past very similar to Freelander's; he was a criminal before he joined the "good guys". The two seem attracted to one another, until their further conversation reveals that Jimmy was responsible for Kate's father's murder twenty years ago. Meanwhile, the mob track the other team members to the Sanctuary and Will is captured. The mob boss is a Diacon, an easily angered type of Abnormal, who is using a device that affects his neurology and suppresses the rage. To secure Will's release, Magnus tricks him into thinking that she has delivered Jimmy in return. When the boss discovers the illusion, he becomes enraged and resumes pursuit...
10 Sleepers
Will and Magnus investigate the mysterious disappearances of a number of privileged teenagers. Their investigation leads them to a rehab clinic in Mexico, run by Tesla, who has cured his "patients" but infected them with a serum meant to turn them into vampires in 30 years and provide him an army to aid him in restoring the primacy of vampire-kind. However, one of the "patients" has discovered the hard way that dying also triggers the conversion process, and does so immediately, creating a more powerful type of vampire than Tesla intended. He recruits his friends who were also at the rehab, shooting them in order to bring them back as vampires. They kidnap Tesla but quickly realize his aims are not consistent with theirs. The Sanctuary team finds Tesla's fail-safe, the "de-vamper", and breaks into the teens' hideout to stop them. Tesla uses the de-vamper to convert the vampires back to human. However, in the struggle, Tesla accidentally targets himself and is also de-vamped...
11 Haunted
Druitt rescues a group of Empaths from a sinking ship off the coast of South Africa. However, his insanity has returned after murdering one of them. Magnus kills, then revives Druitt, at which point the base goes into lockdown mode. Magnus and her team discover that the base is in fact under control of an energy creature, which had been the continuing cause of Druitt's insanity. The creature attempts to kill everyone so that it may spread, but Will is able to reach the main power switch and reboot the power, allowing Henry to free the others. With little time, Henry lowers the EM shield to allow Druitt to teleport to the creature to have him as a host again; inhabited by the creature, Druitt then teleports away 'with no destination in mind'.
12 Kali Part 1
Several docile Abnormals around the world have been attacking the Human population, but unlike Lazarus, the Abnormals are attacking out of fear. The investigation leads the team to Mumbai, where a man is found murdered, with the connection to the ancient Cult of Kali, whose followers can foretell disaster. Mumbai is revealed to be the epicentre of the behaviour change. In the meantime, Will falls ill and disappears. A Macri, a thought to be extinct type of spider, which requires a human host to survive is inside Will, and gives him visions of Kali (Sahar Biniaz). Mercenaries are in the city and kidnaps Will, to use the Macri, which can track Big Bertha, who is revealed to still be alive. The leader, Edward Forsythe (Callum Blue) is able to take the Macri from Will, and takes him host, before leaving Will to die and track Big Bertha.
13 Kali Part 2
Magnus is able to stabilise Will, who still has a psychic connection to Kali, a manifestation of Big Bertha, despite no longer being host to the Macri. Will recovers, and escapes from Magnus in order to find Kali again and convince her to stop. Meanwhile, Terrance Wexford (Paul McGillion) is putting pressure on Magnus's leadership because of hiding the fact that she allowed the most dangerous Abnormal on Earth to live. Forsythe leads the creature to the convergence of three tectonic plates in the Indian Ocean, with the intent of creating an island. Magnus tracks her down and attempts to knock her out. Unsuccessful, Magnus manages to break Forsythe's concentration and thereby control over Big Bertha, allowing Will to reach out to Kali telepathicaly using a dance and convincing her to stop of her own accord in exchange for being left alone once and for all. However, Wexford, who relieves Magnus of command, attempts to kill Big Bertha...

यस "सो" का बारेमा

Sanctuary follows the exploits of Dr. Helen Magnus (Amanda Tapping) and her quest to protect what most people would consider monsters. "The Sanctuary" serves as a safe haven for these "Abnormals". She is aided in her quest by her reluctant protégé Will Zimmerman (Robin Dunne); her intrepid, if somewhat reckless, daughter Ashley (Emilie Ullerup); and the talkative geek Henry Foss (Ryan Robbins), a computer and security expert...

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