Cavon Hicks
I love the Mills/Crane team. Love how their characters interact with one another and Nicole Beharie is just an awesome actress. I just can't get down with the whole "we're using evil to fight evil" concept. The whole "Good" witches and George Washington not having really "died" when history says he did, but he came back from death by means completely unpleasing to God, but somehow it was to perform a good act. Come on people! LOL. But it's still rather entertaining
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benjamin berner
Good until last season. I love this show a whole lot. It is really cool and awesome. I love season 1-3 the most. Season 4 I LIKE not love. The reboot is kind of annoying. Having only 2 old characters in season 4. No. Also they could have at least have had the old characters return when they went back to Sleepy Hollow. Oh yeah, in the last season it now takes place in Washington D.C which I would have been fine with if the name wasn't Sleepy Hollow. It would have been better if they just ended it at Season 3. This is my opinion and would love to hear yours!

T lan
Good show. I only see one big flaw though. Why doesn't the main male character have a paying job? The era he comes from, men support women. Not the other way around. The idea of women supporting men is new-ish. Seeing all the shopping she's doing on his behalf, and her buying him a phone, and new clothes, and yet he still complains in outrage about so much... he's more like an ungrateful child than a 200 year old man. And given the era he comes from, his mindset and work ethnic would not be the type to allow a woman to carry all his weight like that. So it's a good show, but that's a pretty big flaw.