Matt Kidd
I Always Loved Saved By The Bell!. What a Great Show!!!. I Always Laughed Whenever Mr.Belding Appeared. He was so Clueless. Zack Morris was the Big Kahuna No Question. I Didn't Care for A.C. Slater or Jesse Spano. I Loved Lisa Turtle and Kelly Kapowski 😍❤💎. A Few Episodes are Missing like The Fight,Student-Teacher Week,and The Graduation,. Which I'm trying to Remember if it was a Two Part Series Finale?. Because Zack Morris was One Credit Shy from Graduating. Which of Course He Eventually Does. Because He is the Star of the Hit Sitcom. It's Season 4. Not Season 6. The Dates for the Final Season are also Incorrect. The Rest of the Season's Episodes are Missing. Still the Show Rocks!!!!!!.
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Jasmin Norasaki
I'm a saved by the bell nerd I've been a loyal fan of the series since middle school the only one that's missing is wedding in Vegas but if my mrmmory is right that show didn't come til the college years
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