I am sick and tired of the erratic way Google's delays releases of the newest episodes of any given series. Sometimes it's the next day sometimes it's weeks later. Episode 11 of this series aired the week of April 10 - 14. Still no update on Google Play. But Episode 12 is out. Not buying any more product until this is fixed.
Halene Harris
A lot ppl are use to in town living .close neighbors where everyone knows your business live by standards where as backwoods living is called our freedom not judged not living in standards of community I call life freedom and love .this is also missouri way in the backwoods love it we work hard to live not going to factory to work not going to a desk job consist of 12 14 hrs of work we put in every day..not easy but peacefully pays off.smell of woodstoves.coyotes hollering.quietness it is beatiful
Amanda Farthing
T. Tito, you're a moron! I am from KY. The foothills of the Appalachian Mts to be exact and this is not how it is here at all!! These stories didn't even originate from KY. Do your research before you talk out of your backside! Furthermore, we do not sell GINGER to the Asians, however some of us do hunt, harvest and sell GINSENG.
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