Michael Sites
Imagine if some of the best comic minds of today rebooted Police Squad with the same rapid fire gags and completely dead pan delivery. Imagine no longer. Steve Carell and his wife have produced a pitch perfect update of that classic Zucker Abrahams Zucker style comedy series. As was always the case with their movies and series, not all of the jokes work, but they come so fast you hardly notice. I love this show.

Alexander Zuckerman
There is absolutely no humor in the show the jokes are so stale. I literally watched the first three episodes and could not laugh at a single joke. It's not like a good comedy like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. This is a bad comedy like any of those really bad spoof movies like Epic movie and Disaster movie, it's that type of humor. This is bad, just plain bad.
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Adam Relayson
It's a Naked Gun/ Police Squad ripoff, except the writers don't understand the style of humor they are attempting to copy. Utterly unfunny. Rashida Jones should have stayed on Parks and Rec, which is hilarious.