Jacob Neasbitt
I have re-watched this show 5 times and I'm in the middle of watching it again. What I love most about it is that this is a character study of Clark Kent before he becomes Superman. It brings a new side to the character that you don't usually see. He makes mistakes, he has trouble fitting in, and learns valuable lessons from his friends, mother, and father (who is my favorite character). I can't even talk about Lex Luthor because I don't even have enough words to talk about how amazing this show

Ignacio “Ygnaxio” Martinez
Smallville is OK, Clark Kent has the shortest lines ever and the script does not live up to expectations. Clark hes super powers but never knows how to use them. A BIG PROBLEM is that Google Play would not show my purchases from seven years ago, all the sudden it is not longer available in YouTube or Google Play in 07oct2020 is there is no path available to report this to Google Play. I tried several ways and spent 2 days trying to resolve this issue. Everything was working up to this day and then Google or YouTube did something and my account was not longer available in a Roku 3, chromecast and in my PC, without a warning. The Smallville production gets 5 stars because of actors, the script could be better. Google Play is questionable at best and gets 0 stars. There has to be a better way to purchase videos and to be in the google account without having to spend so much time solving issues.
19 people found this review helpful

Neil Curran
I watched this show as a child, and I can honestly say it's the foundation of my personality today. An absolutely wonderful show to watch, can't recommend it highly enough. Edit: This series is about 3 or 4 seasons too long, don't get me wrong it has fantastic episodes in each season but in the later episodes it begins to feel exhausted. Still amazing, and should be watched, but heads up for seasons 4 and up because they will begin to drag on.
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