I payed $8 for the whole season. When I tried to watch it, it told me that I needed Chrome. DL’d Chrome. NOPE. Now you need to DL Google Movies. Fine. DL’d that too. Watch the first episode. It’s okay. Try to watch episode two. Nope! It wants me to DL HBO MAX. FINE! I DL it. Guess what? I have to pay a monthly subscription to watch the show I already purchased! No. Thats where i draw the line. A show about a predator so that predators can make money. Yal belong in hell over at google.
Kiara Clausen
This scammed me into paying for it then I downloaded it and it was saying error and tried to Make me pay for hbo now I’m going to have to dispute the charges thank for a bad Service!!!!
Cat Coates
Very well done. It's clear that the filmmakers did their homework and also took care to ensure the comfort and dignity of the survivors they interviewed. These stories need to be heard and the industry needs to address the systemic problem of harassment and abuse.