Summer Skye
The Clone Wars is an excellent show expanding on the beloved Star Wars universe. With memorable characters, brilliant storylines, and even astonishingly realistic animation at some times, Clone wars still remains in my heart as one of the best cartoon shows of the new generation. From quite literally the mind of George Lucas (who executively produced the show and influenced the show to a massive degree) this is truly what the prequels were meant to be like. Action packed, visually stunning, thought provoking, family friendly fun that still holds up to this day in my books. I have watched this show since it came out back in 2008 and only now have I realized how much this show kicks major butt. Not only is it an awesome World War II style collection of space missions and interstellar battles, but it also serves as a commentary on the aspects of war, its effect on a civilization, and the evils that a corrupt authority have on an entire population. I love watching and rewatching the series to find all of the elements of war that I never understood as a kid and I think all fans of StarWars and even just those looking for a good cartoon from this generation to watch will enjoy this show.
329 people found this review helpful

Ty C
An insane amount of graphics this last season, I've been watching the clone wars forever now, it has so much lore inside of it, it is without a doubt the best show I've ever seen, it comes close with the Mandalorian, but the mandalorian isn't an on-air show, so.... not everyone really finds that convenient, but, the clone wars is actually genius, it kicked off so many other major star wars series, especially the bad batch which is also, obtaining a stunning amount of graphics, thank you. Ty.C

I love the TV series since it started, I just wish I had the money to buy all the of the seasons, why Disney why did you have to ruin such a great series why did you have to buy it, and to the one who sold it, did you think it would be good for the many that love this show, what a stupid choice, WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO TO RUIN A GOOD SERIES THAT MANY LOVE AND WATCH, I still love it tho I'm gonna watch it more when I have the money to buy them all. Thanks for a great show. Plz respond.
9 people found this review helpful