Constance Keller
Unlike the teenagers below, I was a young adult (19) when this was on. I would ask my Dad to record it on vhs when I had to work the nights it was on. (Thursday nights, if memory serves me) I had a crush on Jared Leto as Jordan. And I loved "Angela" and "Reyanne" and "Ricky". It nailed adolescence for those not filthy rich in Hollywood. VERY realistic and relatable.
Shaunte Lanier
Seeing this makes me feel 16 again😊!! This is when I fell in ❤ w/Jaredo Leto. Oh & little Claire Danes stole the show. They both have become two of the BEST actors/actresses in our time! I ❤ the show more than teen shows now bc it wasn't full of sex & homosexuality, it was just about a silly teen's life & being in love. Thank you for casting them & making the show.
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A Google user
I watched this show when I was a teenager and really related to it. To this day it still touches me. Will never forget this gem. So sad they took it off the air before its time.