
2008 • BBC America
290 reviews
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Season 1 episodes (6)

1 Episode 1
A sighting of a strange creature occurs on the outskirts of the Forest of Dean, leading a small team of scientists and government officials to investigate it. They find a Scutosaurus in the forest and discover a time anomaly that leads to the late Permian period, 250 million years ago. The team soon realise that a Gorgonopsid also came through and they must find it before it kills anyone.
2 Episode 2
After a London Underground cleaner is fatally bitten by some type of giant bug, James Lester brings the team together to investigate. They find another anomaly that leads to the late Carboniferous, and a colony of giant spiders that have come through. Using powerful lights to send the spiders back, the team are then attacked by the true killer. An Arthropleura, which bites and poisons Stephen. The race is now on to extract a sample of venom from the giant arthropod to synthesise an antivenom before Stephen dies.
3 Episode 3
A man at a local swimming pool is killed by a Cretaceous Mosasaur when an anomaly appears there. But when the anomaly disappears and reopens several miles away in a reservoir, Cutter realizes that the anomalies have the ability to move, and his theory is confirmed when the anomaly opens for a third time in a residential basement, where a plumber is attacked there by a Hesperornis. When the team find proof that Cutter's wife, Helen, is alive in the past, Cutter is ordered through the anomaly to find and bring her back.
4 Episode 4
Helen escapes from custody at the Home Office by taking the team to an anomaly that unleashes a flock of dodos. These dodos are carrying deadly parasites capable of infecting humans. Unknown to the team, Connor's friends Tom and Duncan capture one of the dodos, but when Tom is infected by the parasite and goes on the rampage, Cutter and the team must find him before they have a pandemic on their hands.
5 Episode 5
A Pteranodon turns up at a golf course, and a golfer is killed. Cutter and his team go to investigate and find the anomaly up in the air. The team track the flying reptile down to send it back to its time, but Cutter and Claudia become trapped in a mansion by a flock of bloodthirsty Anurognathus. As Cutter goes to get help, Claudia finds salvation in the unlikely hands of Helen Cutter.
6 Episode 6
Helen Cutter returns and informs the team that she has seen a highly evolved predator from the future enter the present day. After dispatching the adult creature, Nick and Helen decide to take its young back through the anomaly in the Forest of Dean, hoping to locate the anomaly to the future, a decision that proves to be a mistake when the creatures break free. Upon his return to the present Cutter is shocked to discover that Claudia Brown has disappeared and apparently never existed in this world.

About this show

Evolutionary zoologist Nick Cutter discovers prehistoric creatures; the world is turned on its head, humanity faces a threat to its very existence. Unexplained anomalies rip holes in the fabric of time, allowing creatures from the very earliest stages of Earth's development to exist in the modern world. Primeval combines the dazzling special effects of Walking With Dinosaurs with a haunting love story, and asks a terrifying question - has mankind come to the end of the evolutionary road?

Ratings and reviews

290 reviews
Lloydel Beckford
August 26, 2015
The show deserve a five stars. Seen it all and it's one of the best ever series. I didn't watch it on here, I downloaded mines using (Ttorrent) app and afterwards go to the Internet and type in (primeval complete season torrent download) In Google which will take you to a torrent website where can download torrents for anything
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kendall simmons
January 28, 2016
Omg I'm so mad they canceled this show I loved it I'm like obsessed with dinosaurs and this is just the best show ever people are just so mean to cancel this can they see how many fans they have this show has had a lot of potential they could of went on but ig I really hope they continue this I would cry if they didn't .💔
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December 25, 2015
Ok, I love this show. I haven't seen it in 2 years. I looked on Netflix to watch, since that's where I originally found it. THEY REMOVED IT! I come here to buy it, but then I thought that I'll just wait for another day, but BBC should REALLY stop taking down amazing shows like these. It's sad...
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