Jesse Rominske (Bonkleton)
"Bloody hell!" - Will Scarlet's frequent refrain pretty much sums it up. Once Upon a Time in Wonderland is one of the best re-imaginings of Carroll's fantasy world out there, and manages to blend the best parts of many of the others. While sticking true to the vibrant, Disney-like feel, the darkness of Wonderland and its creepy inhabitants is in line with Tim Burton's film, while the idea of Alice being treated as a mental patient recalls American McGee's interpretation. The storytelling is top-notch and the intensity level just draws you in and makes you beg for more. The well-developed characters, their interwoven backstories, and their somewhat blurred moral lines just add to the depth of the story. Jafar in particular is a standout and is an appropriately awesome villain for this amazing series. Watch it.
39 people found this review helpful
This show is a fun combination...a dash of sweet but eaually savory. Id think it apeal to all age but feel it demograph is for audience 8 to 18. Would enjoy more symbology in the "whimsical Joplin stereotype" alice in wonderland. This would make the movie a little more throwback for the hippies parents raising the child demographics this show is geared towardm I am a genius in buisness consultation. My advice makes $. Keep kicing the episodes out before audience just records/watches it for "free" on comcast
12 people found this review helpful