cameron iacono
This is the lowest quality cartoon Disney has ever aired. The animation is so cheap it pathetic and the 2 main characters are so dumb and annoying that it will make you want to break your TV just to shut them up. Aside from terrible animation and characters there are some props the use and it's both ugly and disturbing. Definitely don't watch this show at all.
22 people found this review helpful
Kaian Juengst
This show in my opinion is one of the worst shows I have ever seen, a mix of terrible and cheap animation with disgusting live action scenes which make we want to vomit. The plot if it even has one is terrible. It is filled fart jokes, and terrible music. I would definitely not watch this disgrace of a show.
10 people found this review helpful
Jon Rogers
Take a lame buddy cartoon, add a healthy dose of hip-beardo-jeggings-unicycle mad libs content, and take a run at Ren and Stimpy gross-out tween male demographic mining, sprinkle a handfull of random loud noises and you have this unflushed turd. It makes the Adult Swim junk seem like anime masterpieces.
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