David Williams
Not even Disney musical legend Alan Mencken can save this show from its shortcoming: a crappy libretto that TRIES to be hip and funny. I sat through the first ten minutes of this painfully self-aware tripe before I gave up. Comedy is at its best when it seems like the jokes just roll off the tongue without effort, not when everyone mugs for the camera, begging you to notice how hip & funny their line was. Want to see a good, hip Medieval/fairytale comedy (but without the music): rewatch THE PRINCESS BRIDE.
8 people found this review helpful

Todd White
Some funny lines, has potential, but the musical genre is atrocious! Could work more as a middle-ages sit-com; is an embarrassment as a show with the singing and dancing. I'm sad to see Vinnie Jones stoop so low...he's fantastic as the hard man in Gone in 60 Seconds, Snatch, etc.

Richard Kim
I'm not one for musicals... I dislike the singing and dancing... That being said, I was looking forward to this show but was initially disappointed that it was a musical. But score one for my laziness, I kept it on because I didn't want to change the channel, and low and behold, I started enjoying it. The comedy is in the music. If you listen to the lyrics, it's quite hilarious. Looking forward to the second episode.