Toto Mango
Got the first season from the Library and I'm glad I did, because I was thinking of buying it without seeing it first, the reviews were so glorious. But I found it rather boring and unrealistic. Its hard to believe that humanity survived that long, first off. And they're still using 2017 slang. Amazing. And no, NY will not have to have a wall surrounding it to hold back the climate damage...nor will the world turn to socialism to survive (a failed econ system). Yawn....
12 people found this review helpful

Richard Newman
Google Play absolutely sucks use amazon instead The Expanse Season 3 Episode 7 Delta-V is not yet available on Google Play as of Friday May 25th 2018 at 02:30pm edt yet has been on Amazon on Demand for two whole days. Thanks google you really know how to keep your customers satisfied and do what is in their best interest "Do no evil" urp "Don't be evil" err maybe you should instead choose "Don't be incompetent" or "Reward developers who make incremental changes to make googles products better" oh yea you all don't do that. Well 100 words it is! Hope this is More Helpful! :)

TedAnt A
I'll keep watching. However, the behind the scenes and actor responses for episodes plasterd between normal episodes is annoying. It makes it difficult to find the real show. It's also an obvious and desperate move trying to garner more views, hence a higher rating on google play. One star for the crappy attempt at forced self promotion.
59 people found this review helpful