Debi DiBenedetto (Rivadog)
First off, I absolutely think that this Show is the Bomb💣💣💣 You can count on hearing me laugh🤣😅 out loud🔊🔊🔊🔊 all the way from the street. When this Show is playing.. Why some people get so freakishly serious🤔 When writing reviews, really gets my cork out. Do you know that the last time I heard that expression, was from my dear Mom... She had the most incredible personality

Marquita Cook
lm a person who cant stand stupid. .stupid is not funny in the least as far as humor goes in my book and sadly most tv shows nowadays are STUPID. so needless to say i was very surprised and happy to see that there really was a show that could make me laugh...out loud...all the way through...with each and every episode!!! Genius writing ..cant wait to see week to week. i love it!! ..and just for the record guys you really dont knowhow big a critic i am about the line between funny and just NOT
155 people found this review helpful

Sunny Scott
Let's take everything that is tearing at the fabric of our lives , dress it up, say it's adorable , make it funny and call it a television show . I tire of the constant stream of vulgar jokes, less than thinly veiled sexual references and wild double entendres that seem to be a staple for sit - coms now. It may be a "slice of life" but I just don't think that many recovering alcoholics and former junkies are that clever and upbeat without a script . I really wanted to like this one more . I'm not sure if I can .
52 people found this review helpful