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Season 1 episodes (13)
1 Episode 1
Heroic legend Beowulf gallops through the epic and mythical Shieldlands, to his childhood home of Herot, hoping to set right past wrongs. It's a race against time as he seeks to protect the town from a killer, be it human or beast.
2 Episode 2
Herot is preparing for the Gathering, at which the next ruler will be elected. Koll joins Beowulf in the hunt for the killer and their inquiries lead them to the Golden Hall. A member of Rheda's riding party fails to return to Herot.
3 Episode 3
Beowulf and Rate go into the forest in search of Slean and Thane Scorann. But the Gathering is fast approaching, and Rheda's bid for leadership needs Scorann's vote. Beowulf questions whether their disappearance is more than a coincidence.
4 Episode 4
It’s the day of the Gathering. The fate of the Shieldlands is only moments away, but without her closest allies, Rheda's chances of becoming leader of these great realms and thus preventing civil war looks bleak and her worries escalate.
5 Episode 5
Our group continues their perilous journey to Mere to bolster the new treaty, but now without Roth to guide them, the dangers they face look far from over. As they tackle various assaults, the group's situation goes from bad to desperate.
6 Episode 6
Beowulf gets to work rebuilding the town's defenses--a need that becomes even greater when iron miner Greff is attacked by one of the most dangerous Mudborn creatures known to humans--a Troll.
7 Episode 7
With Slean and his uncle Abrecan failing to warn Herot about the Wulfing Raider attack, the marauders arrive at the peripheries of an unsuspecting Herot and release their Barghest wolves to terrorize the town.
8 Episode 8
Herot, in the mirth and merriment of preparation, readies itself for Slean and Kela's wedding celebrations.
9 Episode 9
With Rheda's new laws permeating the tribes, it's time for Abrecan to make a choice--whether to step aside and accept his sister's rule, or stand against her in a declaration of war.
10 Episode 10
With danger lurking in every corner threatening the Shieldlands, Herot's Huskarla patrol the forests looking for signs of the enemy.
11 Episode 11
Beowulf grapples with the revelation of Elvina's secret and the fact that he has fallen in love with her.
12 Episode 12
Rheda returns to Herot alone, with news of familial betrayal and that the fearsome Wulfing army are coming for them all.
13 Episode 13
The battle of all battles falls upon the peoples of Herot. Weapons forged, loyal and armed men, women and children brace themselves to wage a brutal attack with Beowulf helming their defense.
About this show
This spectacular drama reimagines one of literature’s most enduring heroes. In a place of spectacle and danger populated by both humans and fantastical creatures, Beowulf must slowly reconnect with the notion of family and home.