Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School is a mystery horror anime television series produced by Lerche, directed by Daiki Fukuoka, and supervised by Seiji Kishi. The anime is the second animated series based on Spike Chunsoft's Danganronpa video game franchise, and serves as a conclusion to the "Hope's Peak Academy" arc established in the previously released games Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc and Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. The series is divided into three parts. Future Arc focuses on Makoto Naegi and his friends and their involvement in a killing game with the Future Foundation; and Despair Arc focuses on Hajime Hinata, a student, and his involvement in experiments on humans. The first two story arcs aired between July and September 2016. They were followed by Hope Arc, the conclusion to both previous arcs, which aired on September 29, 2016.
Writer Kazutaka Kodaka conceived of the project. He aimed to create an original storyline that would not work as another video game, unlike previous works from the franchise.