Marisol the Puccarugrantlerclawenfan1992
Que Buneo, which is Very good in Spanish while all those morons with no brain cells watching Meet the Putnams and 90 Day Fiance, the smartest and clever show Mysteries at the Museum is my cup of tea to fueled up more brain cells and I love this show during Thursday nights and possibly the weekends that way.
19 people found this review helpful

Melissa Wilson
I really enjoy this show and now my 10 yr old loves it too. Its short interesting stories that hold your attention, fascinate and educate you all at the same time. It makes history much more fun to learn.
49 people found this review helpful

Sherry Spies
I really like this show, I'm a history buff so anything that has to do with our past is exciting to me especially when I learn new things and that is what this channel offers.
7 people found this review helpful