Inspector Rex is an Austrian-Italian police crime drama television series created by Peter Hajek and Peter Moser. Originally an Austrian series aired from 1994 to 2004 on ORF 1, in 2008 it was revived under Austro-Italian production on Rai 1 and, from the next year, was made fully in Italy, with occasional episodes set in Austria. Rai 1 eventually cancelled the Austro-Italian production in June 2015, after eight Italian seasons.
The series follows the German Shepherd police dog Rex, his partners and the rest of the team at the Vienna Kriminalpolizei homicide unit, as they work together to solve crimes. From 2008, episodes are set in Rome.
A spin-off series, Stockinger, that focuses on Ernst Stockinger, one of the original members of the homicide division, was televised in 1996. International remakes include Polish Komisarz Alex, set in Łódź; Russian Muhtar's return; Portuguese Inspetor Max; Lithuanian Inspektorius Mažylis; Slovak Rex set in Bratislava and Canadian Hudson & Rex.