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TLDR: Could do with a bit more straight male representation "who happen to make up half the world's population" or at least a change to the description indicating it is more focused on the female perspective instead of it's current description which eludes to it taking a look broadly at sexuality. The description "which you can verify yourself by scrolling up" is as follows: "Slutever follows host Karley Sciortino as she takes an in-depth look at sex, relationships, and intimacy in the modern world, finding the humanity in people and sex practices that are often stigmatized." From what I have found it appears to be mainly centered around the female perspective, which seems to be contrary to the description above. For example ((warning spoilers)) In the episode Monster Fantasy the episode focused on the female perspective for erotica, the fantasy itself from a female's psychological perspective. The fantasy toys were all exclusively dildos, even though in the episode when visiting Primal Hardwere "yes it is spelled that way" you can see some penetratable sex toys for men but they got not even a single reference to male only fantasy sex toys. The only times men are mentioned in the conversation is that the specific monster erotica in the episode is "Feminist" because women are writing it, a woman with a vast fantasy sex toy collection who dabbles in making fantasy sex toys "insertion toys only" who mentions that her husband during sex will insert the toys into her, and when she was talking to the guys behind Primal Hardwere where they were only shown to talk about insertion toys only even though there were penetratable toys on the table with the rest of the toys and they were most likely more in depthly filmed. Many straight men are into monster fantasy as well, yet while there was multiple opportunitues to bring up the straight male portion of the fantasy community without it costing the producers any extra money to film none of it was in the episode, either it was never filmed in the first place "which would be the fault of the producers" or it was edited out "which would be the fault of the editors" either way someone messed up. You can't have a sex and kink positive show while ignoring one of the sexes "which accounts for half the world's population". If you want to have a show about sexuality that is mainly focused on the female perspective that is fine, but if you are going to do that indicate so in your description. I find it to be very dishonest to claim "Slutever follows host Karley Sciortino as she takes an in-depth look at sex, relationships, and intimacy in the modern world, finding the humanity in people and sex practices that are often stigmatized." While ignoring one of the sexes. Also they didn't visit Bad Dragon which is the largest producer of Fantasy Sex Toys and has a huge collection of dildos and a decent sized collection of penetratable sex toys. That was a huge missed opportunity.
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Straight guys also have sex, just with women only (visa/versa). Why is it voodoo to show men and women together on these shows. Like straight people are not allowed to be intimate.
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