About this show

Spin is a French political television drama series created by Dan Franck, Frederic Tellier, Charline de Lépine and Emmanuel Daucé, and broadcast from 25 January 2012 on France 2.
After the success of the first season in its native France, a second season was commissioned, which premièred on France 2 on 1 October 2014 with 13.5% of the viewing audience. While prime time viewing figures were disappointing, combining those with on-demand numbers led to a more stable audience. A third series was subsequently commissioned. It was broadcast in France in October–November 2016.
In December 2015 it was announced that Spin would air in the UK on More4. The show premiered on 8 January 2016 and the two existing seasons were broadcast consecutively on a weekly basis. The third and final season was broadcast in April–May 2017.