Susan Florence
And the good reviews say everything about how mean-spirited, shallow, vicious and stupid our nation is. Except for Jamie Lee Curtis, the acting is as amateurish as it gets. Tells me why I live in a country that likes Donald Trump. Stupid, hostile, narcissistic and meaningless. Ugh! Bunch of useless sociopaths!
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Heather McDaniels
Anyone who has seen any of the 90s "Scary Movie"-based motion pictures (or ANY corny teen-based horror movie, for that matter) will love Scream Queens on FOX this fall. A mix of American Horror Story & any teen show imaginable with the usual nerds, princesses, heroes, heroines, dense cops & sly school staff, not to mention the crazed masked red devil killer who finds numerous ways to "kill" everyone around school. Niecy Nash, Jamie Lee Curtis & Emma Roberts head a great cast. Tune in for fun!
51 people found this review helpful

A Google user
I'm love watching this show it's so awesome so chick flick and I hope every can see it it's so awesome and I just love watching this show and justice I just can't wait go-shamrock you find cool
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