About this show

Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds is a Spanish-Japanese children's animated television series that adapts the classic 1844 Alexandre Dumas story of d'Artagnan and The Three Musketeers, produced by Spanish studio BRB Internacional with animation by Japanese studio Nippon Animation, that was first broadcast on MBS in Japan in 1981–82.
Most of the characters in the series are anthropomorphizations of dogs, hence the title of the cartoon; although there are a few exceptions, most notably Dogtanian's two sidekicks Pip the mouse and Planchet the bear, among several others.
In 1985, BRB Internacional released a television film edited from the series entitled Dogtanian: Special. In 1989, they produced with Televisión Española and Thames Television a sequel series entitled The Return of Dogtanian. In 1995, they released a television film edited from the sequel series entitled Dogtanian: One For All and All For One. In 2021, Apolo Films and Cosmos Maya released a feature-length CGI film entitled Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds in cinemas.