Sandra Spurling
I'm sure this will get deleted! Only because this is the truth! I know Ernie! He lives in town! Not out in boondocks like they want you to believe! And, all the animals in his shows have been caught by him, friends and even my uncle long b4 the show! He puts the animals in the houses or barns! Then acts like he just seen them! Or, they just showed up from nowhere! Only thing that's real about the show is he can catch animals with his hands #turtles. He needs to send some of that money he has made to his kid
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M. Lewis Motter
I don't understand why America has taken to this redneck craze. Missing teeth, poor grammar, and acting ridiculous is not fabulous. Whatever happened to Steve Irwin?
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Everett Sutherland
Easily a 5 star show keeping it clean for all ages.Keep up the great work Turtle Team.I like the message you put out, you should only kill an animal for food or at the last choice to defend your self or someone. Anyone who can endure the spray of a skunk and not want to cause harm to it.You really get my respect.I hope to see more seasons. Good work Turtleman!
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